Friday, January 22, 2010

Create My Own Structured Product What Is The Point Of Life?

What is the point of life? - create my own structured product

What is the real meaning of life? Is there one? I was a product of a mother / father, who only wanted to complete his life, with a beautiful house, a car in Nice, Nice, and try to raise children. I never planned for a purpose, but when I'm older I go to school / college, etc. I think I am my own life and meaning, but ultimately, my question is

Is there really an end to all this?

Are we a kind of biological computer / robot that is breathing, requiring food and needs, but we seem to be the "brains", and that's basically. Intelligent life.

Why create the country? And religion? And the companies, and competition and develop all this "BS" that today the modern life?

Did he really live any sense of life, do what thou wilt, and die, so why bother?

I mean, I think it's sad to see now the meaning of life is so structured, and expects us to school, money, work, family, etc., we have forgotten the true meaning / points.



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